More secrets from under the floor.

I find myself getting familiar with the ‘Scott Layer’ – a 1 metre thick layer of rubble under the floor of Bath Abbey which is named after Sir George Gilbert Scott who supervised the last great restoration of this historic building back in 1860.

He’s the man who completed the fan vaulting down through the nave to match the original Tudor work at the east end.

The fan vaulted ceiling over the nave which dates from Scott’s restoration of the 1860’s – maybe completing the Tudor intentions.

The original builders may have run out of money because the original nave ceiling was wood and plasterwork and its broken fragments of this now coming to light in the rubble Scott packed under the floor when he relaid it.

Some of the Tudor rose plasterwork rescued from under the Abbey floor.


Putting it simply – Scott  must have found it easier and cheaper to let the rubble help pack out the floor foundations rather than carting it away.

The original fan vaulting at the east end – dating from the 16th century.

I have had a chat with Cai Mason who is Senior Project Officer for Wessex Archaeology who are at work on the Abbey’s multi-million pound – and HLF supported – Footprint Project.