Stepping up to the flag

Don’t worry. Bath Abbey wasn’t in the process of installing an aerial for a mobile ‘phone company.


The scaffolding was in place to enable the flagpole – on top of the tower – to be repaired.

Though l didn’t envy conservators from Sally Strachey Conservation being on that platform. At 49 meters, this is the tallest structure of its kind in Bath.

The tower of Bath Abbey

The Abbey flag is now flying again after an unofficial flag-raising ceremony took place at the top of the Tower earlier today.


The flag bears the arms of the Diocese of Bath & Wells shown in the top left-hand canton of the St George flag. If you’re a history fan, here’s a fun fact…In 1938, the Earl Marshal of England laid down that the proper flag to be flown on any church in England is the Cross of St George with the arms of the see in the first quarter.

The Bath & Wells Diocesan flag is flown from the top of the Abbey Tower every day come wind, rain or shine.

Scaffold Tower flag pole 11 July

An Abbey spokesperson told Bath Newseum: ‘Unfortunately our flagpole takes quite a bit of battering from Mother Nature so has been out of action for a while.

Thank you to Sally Strachey Historic Conservation who did a great job of fixing the broken finial and rope on our flagpole and allowing us to proudly fly our flag once more!’

It’s effort enough for me climbing the 212 on a tower tour without then having to go on to the finial at the top of the flagpole! You would certainly need a head for heights!

Joking aside, l do know some churches with spires do make a little extra income renting out space to mobile ‘phone companies.

I remember seeing an aerial inside the spire of St Mary Redcliffe in Bristol. It’s not so bad when you can hide the mast inside.