The big debate!

Bath's Guildhall.
Bath’s Guildhall.

After the bangs and flashes of an extended November the 5th – prepare for some indoor fireworks at Bath’s Guildhall on Thursday, November 12th when the full council meets to debate  the results of a public consultation over a proposed park and ride to the east of the city.

The consultation wasn’t meant to be a referendum but it seems those in favour beat those against by around two percent.

A park and ride bus.
A park and ride bus.

While the city dwellers see the proposal as a means of further reducing the traffic noise and pollution they endure daily – those who live in the Bathavon North Area are not too keen about losing riverside meadows to tarmac and parked cars.

Your Director is actually disappearing to his Bristol Channel retreat – Lundy Island – next week and is sorry he won’t be able to follow the ‘webcast’ on this meeting.

I leave you with the link to the Council agenda for that explosive gathering – – and urge you to click on the webcast button. It will open, as the meeting starts, at 5.30 pm.

Apologies for the fact The Virtual Museum won’t be updated from Monday through to Friday next week. We will be back in action from the 14th!