East of Bath P and R?

Here’s another thing.

We still need an East of Bath Park and Ride site.

Can’t B&NES do some sort of a ‘deal’ with Bath Rugby to take over their training ground on the London Road – PLUS the land the club apparently owns right next door.

The wooded area seems higher in its topography. While the training ground – if raised up a little – would – together with the field adjoining – be a big enough site to take a lot of traffic off the most polluted arterial route into the city?


  1. Park and Rides generate more traffic while cannibalising rural bus services. Much better for this to be a freight consolidation centre and open up Corsham train station and provide a park and rail option to intercept shoppers/commuters driving to Bath.

    Commuters might still ignore the rail simply because of high employment on the Locksbrook Industrial Estate, the RUH, and the Universities.

    1. Another comment on this – this time from Graeme. “‘I agree that an East Park and Ride is needed, but the training ground site is not a good idea. That area should be left to Bath Rugby to move its stadium to, when they are prohibited from expansion at the publicly-owned Rec ‘

  2. Or how about a ‘flyover’ linking the A36 and the A4 across Bathampton meadows? Some pretty impressive flyovers and viaducts have been built on the continent, and I’m sure something could be constructed to harmonise with the locality. That would also ease traffic on the Cleveland Bridge and lessen the need for another park & ride. I use the Odd Down P&R when I come to Bath and it is excellent.

  3. Best thing is to have another ‘study’ which will take ages to set up and conduct, thereby spending some money to show how ‘serious’ you are about traffic, but thereby kicking the whole problem into the long grass e.g. the current study looking into the A350 as a north-south heavy vehicle route. This was supposedly designated as such years ago which is why the Bath Preservation Trust and others always opposed an A46 – A36 link over Bathampton Meadows. But here we go again, thereby delaying any real action for another 5 years. The Stonehenge by-pass is another example.

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