Trust lends development objectors a hand.

The city’s heritage watchdog – Bath Preservation Trust – has come in heavily in support of those objecting to a proposal to build on green belt land at Larkhall.

The revolves around an application to build 18 ‘affordable’ homes on a finger of green belt agricultural land between Deadmill Lane and Ferndale Road.

In a final conclusion at the end of a five-page letter to the planning department at B&NES, the organisation says:

“BPT objects in principle to the development of this site. We feel that the construction of dwellings and their associated boundary treatment will have an urbanising effect on the rural boundary of Larkhall, and will be of detriment to the green and open character of the Green Belt, and cause substantial harm to the picturesque landscape setting of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site, and the setting of the AONB.

There is additionally no recognition of the historic significance of the site in relation to Dead Mill, a recognised NDHA within the Larkhall character area, and there is little information provided regarding the treatment of typical vernacular features on the site such as the rubble stone boundary wall and the bakehouse building.

We additionally object on the grounds of harm to residential amenity due to increased vehicular pressure on Deadmill Lane.”

The conclusion continues:

“On the basis of previous refusals to the principle of development on the site (see applications 98/00238/FUL and 01/02429/FUL), the Trust stresses the unsuitability of the site for future residential use, either through the impact of dwelling construction, or the creation of a domestic curtilage, that will result in harm to the openness of the Green Belt.” 

Thank you – Bath Preservation Trust.