Looks like reindeer!

I am well aware that we have a national problem with trying to assist – and settle – our homeless – not all of which – in this area – live on the streets of Bath.

As l frequently use the towpath beside the Kennet and Avon Canal into Bath l can’t help but notice that some people set up makeshift tent homes on the grass strip near the footbridge across the railway line to Hampton Row.


This morning the tents are abandoned and rubbish is flying everywhere. The remnants of many fires scar the landscape.

The Canal and River Trust relies on its volunteers to maintain the canal environment and it may be some time before this mess is cleared. There has to be a better way.

On a happier note, l bumped into a mate of mine who happens to take his turn behind the desk of Bath Old Books at one end of Margaret’s Buildings.


Richard thrust a poster into my hand announcing this year’s Book Fair, at the Assembly Rooms, which l am happy to share with you.


Oh yes, before l forget, while searching Rossiters of Bath for a christening present for my great-niece’s daughter, l came across evidence that we must appreciate the coming of autumn while we can ‘cos Christmas isn’t far behind!