There’s something ‘BIG’ in the neighbourhood….

…… And it’s certainly likely to spook members of existing polical groups who will be doing battle – at next May’s local government elections – to decide who runs B&NES.

BIG stands for the Bath and North East Somerset Independent Group – a new organisation who have declared:

“We are people who live in Bath & North East Somerset. We believe our Guildhall is no place for national party politics. It’s time for change.

We want a council run by people who care about making Bath and North East Somerset the best it can be – not by people who follow national party instructions.”

I have taken that quote directly from their new website –

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Part of BIG’s website – an organisation hoping to get even big-ger.

They are a group of people who are preparing to enter the arena of local politics and hoping to shake it up.

From what l hear – the ruling Tory group will have more to think about than just the ballot box battering they may take from local fall-out surrounding the Tory government’s regusal to reverse Brexit. Bath was – and still is – a solid ‘remain’ city.

My sources tell me BIG are currently interviewing for candidates and hope to wield some 30 to 35 people to stand in wards and parishes against those whose aims and ambitions are tied to the colours of the party that is supporting them.

It is an ambitious project aimed at wresting control of the region’s future away from the usual collective – and breaking the mould.

Just be wary l think of those who will say you are just another political group and that – without the power of a national party –  you would not have the clout to implement any grand schemes.


I hear there is already some interest in BIG from existing members of current politically-tied groups – but the new kids on the local election block will need to have ready answers  for every negative question directed their way and – more importantly – when you’ve got your candidates together – make sure you have some real policies to take to the rostrum with you.

It’s not enough to want to stand for change without explaining just how you would achieve that to the benefit of the ratepayers of B&NES.

Think they are still looking for possible candidates. Details about applying can be found on the website.


We want a council run by people who care about making Bath and North East Somerset the best it can be – not by people who follow national party instructions.