MP calls Bath ‘Briefing’.

Bath MP, Wera Hobhouse wants residents and campaigners to come together in a ‘citizen-led approach’ to tackling the city’s Transport and Pollution problems.

She’s organising something called The Bath Briefing On Friday, February 23rd which will include speakers representing everyone from the Council to public transport.

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Bath’s MP Wera Hobhouse

She said: “Bath faces a multitude of challenges over the coming years. We already have serious issues with transport and pollution, and these are set to become even more acute. As things stand there is a projection for 40% more congestion in the next few years.
It is frustrating that so little is being done, and that decisions are still being made without any consideration to reducing pollution. We are being poisoned in our own city.
Many of us are working to ensure Bath remains a beautiful place to live and work, and I think it is tremendously important that we have the most accurate information possible.

That is why I’m organising The Bath Briefing, where I have asked key stakeholders from the Universities, from business, from tourism, from public transport, and from the Council, to share their projections for the future with us residents and campaigners.
The event will take place on Friday 23rd February, and I am very grateful to the speakers who have agreed to come, and to the Federation of Bath Resident’s Associations who have agreed to sum up.
Following The Bath Briefing, I am asking residents, groups and campaigners to get together to look at how communities, the city, and the areas surrounding Bath, should respond to the challenges ahead. I know that many residents have their own ideas about what needs to be done, and we need to share these ideas. I will do my best to assist in this process. The city needs to come together on this.
Later in the year we will meet up again and present the solutions that are most appropriate to us. This needs to be a citizen-led approach. Bath needs consensus on the way forward, not random ideas imposed from above.”
There are a few places left for the Bath Briefing. Anyone interested in attending should contact Wera’s office, It will also be live streamed on Wera’s facebook page at 2pm.