Council’s cycle champ weighs in

P1060165 Seems B&NES is caught between the ‘Devil and the deep blue sea’ when it comes to taking action over bikes being used to advertise businesses and blocking up stands in Bath provided for genuine cyclists.

It is something the Virtual Museum has been talking about for months now in its support of efforts to encourage more pedestrians and cyclists – and fewer cars –  in the heart of this World Heritage city.

Cllr Nigel Roberts.
Cllr Nigel Roberts.

While Planning and Enforcement discuss the matter,  the Council’s ‘cycle champion’  Cllr Nigel Roberts (Lib-Dem Odd Down) has told VMB  the situation was frustrating and needed to be clarified.

‘There is a serious shortage of spaces to safely lock up your bike, having the available spaces taken up by bikes that are left all day who’s only purpose is to get around planning rules needs to be stopped. Cycle stands are for cyclists not advertising’ – he said.