Drawing the line!

Officials out in Northumberland Place.
Officials out in Northumberland Place.

Representatives from the licensing Department at B&NES have been out in Northumberland Place supervising the installation of metal disc markers to show traders, who are licensed to have tables and chairs outside their premises, just how far across the lane they can go!

The Council is acting upon complaints about obstruction in a confined space but businesses – already struggling during tough times – might see it as yet another burden to bear.

The metal disc boundary marker!
The metal disc boundary marker!

A spokesman told me the Council was also looking again at A frames – the sandwich boards used for advertising – that seem to me to be a much bigger nuisance.

There are four new spaces for cyclists outside the Guildhall but two have been taken by businesses for advertising. Not the best way of encouraging us to leave the car behind if we cannot park our cycles!
There are four new spaces for cyclists outside the Guildhall but two have been taken by businesses for advertising. Not the best way of encouraging us to leave the car behind if we cannot park our cycles!

Some good news for pedestrians! Starbucks have withdrawn their planning application for permission to put tables and chairs on the newly pedestrianised area outside their High Street premises.

So they should. This improved paving was put there for pedestrians to improve safety not provides a rent-free area for extra business. It’s a windy spot and l can just imagine the rubbish that would be flying through the air – apart from making it very difficult for people to get by.

I would also remind the Council of how bikes bearing advertising notices are taking away spaces from genuine cyclists.

B&NES is after all trying to encourage us to leave the car at home!