Pool your memories

What memories do you have of swimming at Cleveland Pools before it closed in the 80s or did you grow up hearing tales of the Pools?

The Pools Trust would love you to share your memories with them at the Holburne Museum’s CLORE learning space, on the ground floor, from 12-2pm on Sunday, April 3rd.

Cleveland Pools is the UK’s oldest lido, dating back over 200 years. Ahead of its reopening this summer, after a long and complex renovation, the Cleveland Pools Trust’s team of volunteers are recording the history of the Pools for future generations of visitors. 

We want our community to be part of this storytelling. As well as providing a space for people to share their memories of the Pools, we’ll also be exploring its fascinating history and looking ahead to what we hope is a very sunny future.

The event will also feature the Pools’ Vintage Swimwear Exhibition, which proved to be a big hit at the museum last summer. Food and drink will be available in the museum’s cafe.