Increased satisfaction with council says report

Nearly 60 per cent of household waste is being recycled or composted and more than six and a half thousand new trees have been planted on council owned land.

These are just two of the statistics mentioned in the first of a regular series of reports that B&NES is committing itself to – to keep the public better informed on 20 key measures it aims to deliver for local communities.

The move, contained in a report to the council’s cabinet on Thursday 9 September, is designed to open up information about the impact the council is having on its purpose of improving people’s lives in Bath and North East Somerset.

The new quarterly updates contain 20 measures of how the council is delivering its Corporate Strategy priorities, including information about recycling rates, the delivery of new homes, care services, child protection, fly tipping and overall satisfaction rates. Each piece of information has background information to help clarify the data.

Cllr Richard Samuel, Deputy Leader and cabinet member for Economic Development and resources said: “We are committed to openness and transparency about how the council operates. It is right that our community can hold the council to account by using measurable data. This is the first of these reports and some of this is new so we will listen to views. We will keep refining it to ensure it reflects how well we are delivering our priorities in a clear and understandable way. Above all, we will use this data to make a difference and to drive improvement and delivery”

The initial report updates on the first three months of this financial year and tracks progress in delivering the council’s “core policy” of tackling the climate and ecological emergency, with latest figures showing that:

  • almost 6,700 new trees have been planted on council owned land
  • more than 59% of household waste recycled or composted

In addition, 1163 net new homes have been delivered, exceeding our target and more older people are being cared for in their own homes for longer

The report also says there is an increase in satisfaction with the council, with 64% of residents saying they are satisfied in the survey.

To read the report to cabinet visit:


  1. I should like to know the Council’s recent definition of a ‘new home’. They state they have built 1163 of these, so I wonder if they are including Purpose Built Student Accommodation in their calculations?

  2. by ‘the impact the council is having on its purpose’ you mean ‘the extent to which the council is achieving its purpose’?

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