B&NES back in the council house business.

Well, l never thought l would hear it coming out of the mouth of a Conservative Council leader but Cllr Tim Warren has told me B&NES is going back into the council house building business.

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Cllr Tim Warren, Leader, Bath and North East Somerset Council

In a frank – end of the year – chat with Bath Newseum, Cllr Warren looked back over a year of highs and lows and talked about the strains and stresses on his ever-decreasing budget.

There was news about plans to still go ahead with east of Bath extra parking provisions and ways in which the Council was exploring options for dealing with its road congestion and pollution issues.

But housing – and affordable homes  -came up in conversation too and that included news about B&NES starting to building council houses again.

I have not edited the following chat. It is as it happened.