Go love a duck.

An exciting installation is currently hovering over the lawns at the American Museum in Bath – until May 9th that is!   unspecified-4

Artists were set the challenge of coming up with an outdoor piece inspired by the theme of ‘early birds’, to celebrate the fact that the Museum’s gardens and cafe are now open from the earlier time of 10.30am.unspecified-1

Local artists Emily Hunter, Carl Godfrey, and David Gordon came up with a design based on the Harlequin Duck, a species native to North America that migrates in spring from coastlines to inland areas.unspecified

The artists have made fifty ducks (to echo the fifty stars on the American flag), from light-weight wood. These have been hand-stained and  mounted on poles of varying heights, to echo the shape of a migratory flock. Inspiration has also been drawn from the charming decoy ducks found in our folk art collection.1960.814.1-1542-LR-768x512

The birds’ bodies and wings have been laser cut as separate pieces.The pieces are then joined together to form an elegant bird in flightIMG_5914-768x576

The installation  will be on display until 9 May.Visitors who Tweet or Facebook a picture of the installation with the hashtag #earlybirds, remembering to tag the American Museum in Britain, will be entered into a competition to win a year’s Maple Membership.unspecified-3

If you don’t manage to catch this novel outdoor piece remember— you can now be an early bird all year round and enjoy the American Museum cafe and gardens from 10.30am.

Further information: http://americanmuseum.org/