Bath Newseum

Within the last three years the Virtual Museum of Bath has welcomed 196, 654 individual hits from around the world from people who want to keep up with some of the history and heritage stories making news in the Bath area.

This website was set up to provide an all-embracing museum for Bath – at no cost to the ratepayer – in a city that had many specifically-themed institutions but not one all-embracing one.

However, this was never going to be the place where you would find a whole host of pictures of artefacts in display cases or art hanging on gallery walls.

P1150307Though always happy to promote special exhibitions at existing galleries, the Virtual Museum wanted to give a journalistic feel to stories affecting the historic fabric of Bath.

Day to day events showing how we live with our World Heritage status and exploit it to our benefit.

I have always welcomed contributions from people with an interest in local history and heritage and enjoy getting as many video pieces on the website as is possible for this one-man (and unpaid) band to achieve.

I have thought for some time that maybe the ‘museum’ element of the title may be putting people off or that those expecting on-line artefacts are disappointed to find this is not that sort of site.

In looking around for an alternative title l have to thank friend Lisa for coming up with a shorter heading which sort of combines news and museum together in one.

From now on look out for the  Bath Newseum. Online you will only find one such official body using the word ‘newseum’ and that’s in Washington. It is a museum of the written journalistic word.

My background is journalism. I have Art degrees and an interest in museums in general. I have the time and the inclination to get around the streets of this city and pick up stories and happenings of interest.

I want to continue to stir and influence and provide an on-line facility for others to voice opinions and share interests.

Nothing has changed but the title – thanks Virtual Museum of Bath and now look out for the Bath Newseum –


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