Taking stocks.

Stuart Burroughs – Director of the Museum of Bath at Work has sent me in something of interest.

The Walcot stocks ?
The Walcot stocks? Click on image to enlarge.

He tells me : “I have attached a photograph – presented to us by Euel Lane – which appears to show summary justice in the Walcot Stocks (!) but is almost certainly a staged event probably at a church fete or some such.

The location of the picture we’ve identified as being behind St Swithin’s Church – see the attached image – and it must have been taken about 1900?

I think this probably pre-dates Walcot Nation Day and hopefully isn’t evidence of medieval punishment in the photography era – we thought you might put on your website.”

Consider it done! Anyone want to add to this?

1 Comment

  1. This photo was in the possession of the late Stan Newman who had a building yard at the bottom of the lane leading to Walcot Mortuary Chapel. Before the 2nd world war his brother Reg was in the church choir.
    Desmond Brown from the church has kindly confirmed that the stocks still exist but are in store. He tells me that there is an unconfirmed report that they were last used to punish a cook from the Royal Crescent Hotel, date unknown.

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