‘Dismal’ gateway to Bath.

The Virtual Museum’s story about efforts by Walcot traders to enhance and publicise their district brought a swift response from a Bath resident – living south of the Avon – who says her side of the river doesn’t get enough of a publicity look-in.

Widcombe Association member, Helen Peter - on the south side of the River Avon.
Widcombe Association member, Helen Peter – on the south side of the River Avon. Click on images to enlarge.

Helen Peter is the ‘Streetscape’ representative for the Widcombe Association –  www.widcombeassociation.org.uk/ – the city’s largest residents’ association –  and Co-Chair of the ‘Sort Our Subway’ Group.

Pedestrians emerging from the subway gloom.
Pedestrians emerging from the subway gloom.

It’s that subterranean crossing under the A36 and into town – where it meets a large roundabout and the turning up the A367 Wells Road – that she emailed your Director about.

I was straight on my bicycle and out to hear her complaints as we chatted on on the town side of the Churchill Bridge subway crossing.

Not one to miss an opportunity, Helen wanted me to also mention the Widecombe Chapels Trail this coming Sunday, September 13th – http://www.heritageopendays.org.uk/directory/widcombe-chapels-trail-2015 Click on that link to go straight through!

She also attended this week’s monthly Network Rail consultation about the electrification programme affecting the line from London – through Bath – to Bristol and beyond.

Bath Spa Station.
Bath Spa Station.

Helen says: ” They STILL have not given the Widcombe Association  a plan of the proposed tree felling…There will be a lot and it will raze the line and alter the view of Bath from the skyline and for residents because trees that are hundreds of years old will be felled,literally, in one fell swoop (sorry).
The promised replanting to replace the mature trees already felled as part of the station and Southgate development have not been forthcoming so it bides ill for the future of Bath and Widcombe …whose strap line is “Where City meets Country”!