Bath Spa student adds festive colour to Victoria Gallery


victoria gallery xmas treeA student from Bath Spa University has designed this year’s Christmas tree at Bath’s Victoria Art Gallery. International student Alexandra Voulpioti, who is in her third year of the BA (Hons) Three Dimensional Design: Idea Material Object course is using  3D modelling software.

Bath Spa student, Alexandra Voulpioti
Bath Spa student, Alexandra Voulpioti

The acrylic laser-cut tree is suspended from the ceiling giving it the freedom to spin around its a It consists of 48 individual branches made out of orange, red and purple snowflakes.

Although the tree does not produce any light itself, it reflects all the space’s light through its transparent parts and cut edges which make it glow, creating a colourful, warm atmosphere.

Commenting on being selected to design the Christmas Tree, Alexandra said: “Taking on the Christmas Tree project for the Victoria Art Gallery has been a great pleasure. The Gallery showed an interest in laser cutting and reflections which became the main focus of my design.

victoria gallery xmas treeAs I am in my third year of study I am very busy but I couldn’t resist taking the time to do this project. I love Bath and it is an honor being part of bringing the Christmas atmosphere to one of its main galleries.”victoria gallery xmas tree

The Victoria Art Gallery has a tradition of commissioning a Christmas tree every year created by local artists. The artists can be as imaginative and creative as they like, so it is always a great surprise and delight when the tree is unveiled. The tree will have pride of place in the entrance through to 6 January 2014.

Bath's Victoria Art Gallery.
Bath’s Victoria Art Gallery.

Marian McNeir, Trustee of the Friends of the Victoria Art Gallery, said how impressed they had been by Alexandra’s design: “There is a simplicity yet also a sense of drama about her design which I know will fascinate visitors. Alexandra is a very talented student and we are delighted to support her and Bath Spa University.”

The Christmas tree was unveiled at the Gallery on Wednesday, December 4th during a VIP reception for a selection of guests including Dean of the School of Art and Design at Bath Spa University, Professor Anita Taylor.

More information about the Victoria Art Gallery and its latest exhibitions can be found at