Wet and dry

The stainless steel fountain by St Swithin's Church
The stainless steel fountain by St Swithin’s Church

Good to see the contemporary fountain installation on the corner of Walcot Street and the London Road – by St Swithin’s Church – is displaying a sparking cascade of running water while the sun shines.

The 'dry' fountain in Laura Place.
The ‘dry’ fountain in Laura Place.

A marked contrast with the fountain in Laura Place at the Pulteney Bridge end of Great Pulteney Street. When is something going to happen here? Who owns the arid structure which sprouts weeds rather than spouting water?

Picked up on someone on Twitter suggesting that our bronze street plaques – marking some worthy who had stayed or visited a particular Bath address – should be replaced.

Can you read these any more?
Can you read these any more?

The point was made that the Blue Street Plaque system would work so much better as the bronze name-plates in Bath were dirty and dull and you could not read them.

Should they be replaced with Blue Plaques?
Should they be replaced with Blue Plaques?

Certainly selling the metal might raise enough to have them re-done as Blue Plaques or even green or yellow ones! What does anyone else think?