Where does Rugby Club stand in Local Plan?

Local residents now have just days to comment on the Local Plan – it’s a framework which is the basis for determining planning applications across B&NES and decides how sites are allocated for development.

The consultation can be viewed by clicking here and comments are being welcomed up until 18th February.

Catherine Adams emailed me – both here and via LinkedIn – to raise the question of Bath Rugby Stadium’s future and here’s what she had to say.

” I found this very hard to pick through and work out how best to support the Stadium staying on the Rec. So I distilled it for the purposes of my LinkedIn article, but this email to you will say a little more and also give some idea of the documents to wade through.

In essence people are not being simply asked if they agree to the Stadium staying put, they are being asked to ask BANES to keep wording in a placemaking strategy that was previously agreed which in principle allow provision for a stadium to remain on the Rec.

If you would like to support the potential for a new Stadium for Bath:

Please email: local_plan2@bathnes.gov.uk and say:

“I would like the Council to retain the existing Policy as it is for Consultation Reference Bath1 and Consultation Reference Bath2”

For info/to view all details: B&NES LOCAL PLAN PARTIAL REVIEW https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/local-plan-partial-update-options-consultation

Alternative way to submit comments online through the Citizen Space consultation portal 

Local Plan Partial Update – Options Consultation – West of …Find and participate in consultations run by West of England Combined Authority

This is related to the Local Plan review relating to the Rec.  This isn’t just effecting the potential stadium but for anything to be constructed at the Rec overall.

It is quite confusing going online but you can also just submit an email  – see above easy link

The principle for a new permanent stadium at the Rec has been included in the B&NES Core Strategy 2014 and subsequent Placemaking Plan since 2017.

Local people are now being asked for their views on the Local Plan Partial Update consultation (https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/local-plan-partial-update-options-consultation) and we need to ensure that the voices of the tens of thousands of people who enjoy rugby and support a new stadium at The Rec are heard.

It is imperative that the principle of a new stadium is included within the new Local Plan.

The partial review of the Local Plan considers a number of options for the Rec, and amendments to the two relevant planning policies (named B1 and SB2), which are:

Option 1: Retain the existing Policy as is.

Option 2: Review the Policy wording.

Option 3: Delete the current allocation which would mean no construction can take place at The Rec.Supporters should encourage the Council to retain these policies (Option 1). “


  1. I’ve read the consultation document carefully and cannot see that any of the three options has any bearing on the principle of a stadium at the Rec, Option 3 certainly doesn’t say or even imply that “no construction can take place at the Rec.”; it simply proposes to delete the existing policy and instead “revisit it in the Full Local Plan”. In fact both Option 1 and 2 also allow for Policy B1 and SB2 to be reviewed but there’s no reason to think that a stadium won’t still form part of the Local Plan regardless of which option is chosen.

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