Survey volunteers required

Can you help health researchers at the University of Bath who are leading a new study to understand more about the effects of social distancing and isolation on our individual lifestyle habits, including exercise patterns, what we eat and our mental wellbeing.

They are asking participants from throughout the UK to complete a short survey, so researchers can look at the changes people have made during this period, what factors have driven them and, more broadly, what can be learnt from this.

The survey can be completed anonymously, or for those who are interested, the researchers will run follow-up surveys at 6 and 12 months and will invite participants to take part in a telephone interview. By taking part in this survey there is no obligation to take part in the follow-up surveys or an interview.

Dr Tania Griffin from the Department for Health explained: “We are aware social distancing and isolation measures will have impacted people’s lifestyle habits in various ways. We are keen to find out more about individual experiences during this time and look at what we can learn to support people’s health going forwards.”