I am back ‘On Air’

Good to know The Bath Magazine is continuing its online presence with the release of its April edition.

While the immediate future – as far as hard copies are concerned – may be uncertain because of the pandemic ‘shut down’ – it’s kind of my editor to let me have a go at doing my first ‘podcast’ to also go online.

I will get better, l promise, but have a listen via https://thebathmagazine.co.uk/richard-wyatt-on-air/


  1. The Bath Magazine is normally put through a very large number of doors, sometimes multiple copies, whether you like it or not.

    The five unwanted copies I receive at two premises are in the recycling bin unread within seconds of hitting the mat. There is no obvious opt-out available through their web site.

    From an environmental standpoint this is awful. Recycling does not undo the damage of production and distribution. Nowhere near.

    I would not mind so much if it presented a rounded view of Bath that I found useful or interesting. I used to read it but found it largely pitched at a moneyed slice of local society – because it is advertising-driven – that is quite alien to the low-budget life I lead and it is quite irritating to see this avalanche of glossy polluting puff arrive.

    That isn’t to say some people won’t enjoy it but I suspect a huge amount of unnecessarily polluting wastage surrounds The Bath Magazine’s core readers.

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