12 stats of Christmas

Got to be the most unusual press release l have received from Bath and North East Somerset Council.

I publish it in full – wishing all its employees and councillors the compliments of the season – but l am sure some of you will want to add your own ‘statistics’ to it.

Bath & North East Somerset Council’s 12 stats of Christmas
Three wise men, five gold rings, twelve days of Christmas – the festive season is full of statistics.

As we wave goodbye to 2018 and look ahead to the New Year Bath & North East Somerset Council has compiled its own twelve local stats of Christmas.

In the past year across the district we have:

12. Built more than 12 hundred new homes

11. Supported a series of ceremonies and events to mark 100 years since the Armistice on the 11th of the 11th.

10. Hosted 10 exhibitions at the Victoria Art Gallery

9. Supported seven Project Search graduates into paid employment and recruited 9 more interns for the next academic year.

8. Received 8 thousand 400 responses to our CAZ survey

7. Allocated 2286 secondary school places to pupils moving up to Year 7

6 Carried out approximately 6 thousand health checks

5. Won 5 green flag awards for our beautiful parks

4. Opened 4 community libraries

3. Recycled 15,500 tonnes of waste at our 3 recycling centres

2. Offered 2 new green, affordable energy tariffs

1. Welcomed more than 1 million people to the Roman Baths


  1. No. 8 is rather telling. Would they have got that many replies to a popular proposal?

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