Remembering RAF Lyneham

A bit of a flash back in time for me – and you – if you feel like looking through these two adventures l had back in the 1980’s.

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Both revolve around wonderul RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire – which was home to RAF Transport Command.


Every overseas operation was supported by troops and supplies passing through the Wiltshire base – home of the amazing Hercules aircraft – which took me across the world too.

My thanks to ace cameraman John Bennett for these excellent copies. He’s pictured there  – with Tony Griggs on sound – on Ascension island. On our way to the Falklands.

We were also there to give due credit to the work the people from Lyneham did during the Ethiopian Famine – around which Live Aid raised so much money to held fund the food ‘drops’  carried out by those wonderful Hercules transport planes.